Electronic Music Wiki

Forum overview → Musicians community from em411.com wants to join

there's a community of active musicians in the field of electronic music at this forum, www.em411.com , who want to have a place where we can share the tools we've gained in producing electronic and related musics. If, as I hope, we are able to bring a lot of information to the wiki, this could result in a change in emphasis from documentary/history of EM to how-to. Since the how-to infos seem to be included in the mission statement, we hope nobody here will object.

if anyone is even here then we want to know so that we don't step on any toes, as it is there seems to be very little activity...

Users from that community discussed opening a wiki, then also requested the now active em411.wikia. There may be a possibility of merging that wiki with this one, depending on the goals of that community. -- Cid Highwind 13:44, 8 October 2007 (UTC)